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Reading a ConfigurationΒΆ
This notebook demonstrates how TARDIS reads a configuration file or a configuration dictionary and creates an instance of the Configuration
from import Configuration
/usr/share/miniconda3/envs/tardis/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools_scm/ UserWarning: "/home/runner/work/tardis/tardis" is shallow and may cause errors
warnings.warn(f'"{wd.path}" is shallow and may cause errors')
The configuration can be read this way. It will be validated by the json-schema schemas (including filling out default configuration options that had not been specified).
conf = Configuration.from_yaml('tardis_example.yml')
Despite the very simple nature of tardis_example.yml, the output does contain all the default values
{'tardis_config_version': 'v1.0',
'supernova': {'luminosity_requested': <Quantity 1.05927636e+43 erg / s>,
'time_explosion': <Quantity 13. d>,
'luminosity_wavelength_start': <Quantity 0. Angstrom>,
'luminosity_wavelength_end': <Quantity inf Angstrom>},
'atom_data': 'kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5',
'model': {'structure': {'type': 'specific',
'velocity': {'start': <Quantity 11000. km / s>,
'stop': <Quantity 20000. km / s>,
'num': 20},
'density': {'type': 'branch85_w7',
'w7_time_0': <Quantity 0.00023148 d>,
'w7_rho_0': <Quantity 3.e+29 g / cm3>,
'w7_v_0': <Quantity 1. km / s>}},
'abundances': {'type': 'uniform',
'O': 0.19,
'Mg': 0.03,
'Si': 0.52,
'S': 0.19,
'Ar': 0.04,
'Ca': 0.03}},
'plasma': {'disable_electron_scattering': False,
'ionization': 'lte',
'excitation': 'lte',
'radiative_rates_type': 'dilute-blackbody',
'line_interaction_type': 'macroatom',
'initial_t_inner': <Quantity -1. K>,
'initial_t_rad': <Quantity -1. K>,
'disable_line_scattering': False,
'w_epsilon': 1e-10,
'nlte': {'species': [],
'coronal_approximation': False,
'classical_nebular': False},
'continuum_interaction': {'species': [],
'enable_adiabatic_cooling': False,
'enable_two_photon_decay': False},
'helium_treatment': 'none',
'heating_rate_data_file': 'none',
'link_t_rad_t_electron': 0.9},
'montecarlo': {'seed': 23111963,
'no_of_packets': 40000.0,
'iterations': 20,
'nthreads': 1,
'last_no_of_packets': 100000.0,
'no_of_virtual_packets': 10,
'convergence_strategy': {'type': 'damped',
'damping_constant': 1.0,
'threshold': 0.05,
'fraction': 0.8,
'hold_iterations': 3,
't_inner': {'damping_constant': 0.5, 'threshold': 0.05},
'stop_if_converged': False,
'lock_t_inner_cycles': 1,
't_inner_update_exponent': -0.5,
't_rad': {'damping_constant': 1.0, 'threshold': 0.05},
'w': {'damping_constant': 1.0, 'threshold': 0.05}},
'virtual_spectrum_spawn_range': {'start': <Quantity 1. Angstrom>,
'end': <Quantity inf Angstrom>},
'enable_reflective_inner_boundary': False,
'inner_boundary_albedo': 0.0,
'enable_full_relativity': False,
'enable_nonhomologous_expansion': False,
'tracking': {'track_rpacket': False, 'initial_array_length': 10},
'debug_packets': False,
'logger_buffer': 1,
'single_packet_seed': -1},
'spectrum': {'start': <Quantity 500. Angstrom>,
'stop': <Quantity 20000. Angstrom>,
'num': 10000,
'method': 'virtual',
'integrated': {'points': 1000, 'interpolate_shells': 0, 'compute': 'CPU'},
'virtual': {'tau_russian': 10.0,
'survival_probability': 0.0,
'enable_biasing': False,
'virtual_packet_logging': False}},
'config_dirname': ''}
Values can either be accessed using .
or by treating the configuration as a dictionary:
Similarly to how they are accessed, entries in the configuration can be edited. For example,
conf['montecarlo']['convergence_strategy']['damping_constant'] = 0.3
sets that entry of the configuration to 0.3:
This can be done using .
as well.
You can also read a configuration from a dictionary. For example:
from astropy import units as u
conf_dict = {'tardis_config_version': 'v1.0',
'supernova': {'luminosity_requested': 1.05e+43 * u.erg / u.s,
'time_explosion': 13 *},
'atom_data': 'kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5',
'model': {'structure': {'type': 'specific',
'velocity': {'start': 11000. * / u.s,
'stop': 20000. * / u.s,
'num': 20},
'density': {'type': 'branch85_w7'}},
'abundances': {'type': 'uniform',
'O': 0.19,
'Mg': 0.03,
'Si': 0.52,
'S': 0.19,
'Ar': 0.04,
'Ca': 0.03}},
'plasma': {'ionization': 'lte',
'excitation': 'lte',
'radiative_rates_type': 'dilute-blackbody',
'line_interaction_type': 'macroatom',},
'montecarlo': {'seed': 23111963,
'no_of_packets': 40000.0,
'iterations': 20,
'last_no_of_packets': 100000.0,
'no_of_virtual_packets': 10,},
'spectrum': {'start': 500. * u.Angstrom,
'stop': 20000. * u.Angstrom,
'num': 10000,}}
conf2 = Configuration.from_config_dict(conf_dict)
{'tardis_config_version': 'v1.0',
'supernova': {'luminosity_requested': <Quantity 1.05e+43 erg / s>,
'time_explosion': <Quantity 13. d>,
'luminosity_wavelength_start': <Quantity 0. Angstrom>,
'luminosity_wavelength_end': <Quantity inf Angstrom>},
'atom_data': 'kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5',
'model': {'structure': {'type': 'specific',
'velocity': {'start': <Quantity 11000. km / s>,
'stop': <Quantity 20000. km / s>,
'num': 20},
'density': {'type': 'branch85_w7',
'w7_time_0': <Quantity 0.00023148 d>,
'w7_rho_0': <Quantity 3.e+29 g / cm3>,
'w7_v_0': <Quantity 1. km / s>}},
'abundances': {'type': 'uniform',
'O': 0.19,
'Mg': 0.03,
'Si': 0.52,
'S': 0.19,
'Ar': 0.04,
'Ca': 0.03}},
'plasma': {'ionization': 'lte',
'excitation': 'lte',
'radiative_rates_type': 'dilute-blackbody',
'line_interaction_type': 'macroatom',
'initial_t_inner': <Quantity -1. K>,
'initial_t_rad': <Quantity -1. K>,
'disable_electron_scattering': False,
'disable_line_scattering': False,
'w_epsilon': 1e-10,
'nlte': {'species': [],
'coronal_approximation': False,
'classical_nebular': False},
'continuum_interaction': {'species': [],
'enable_adiabatic_cooling': False,
'enable_two_photon_decay': False},
'helium_treatment': 'none',
'heating_rate_data_file': 'none',
'link_t_rad_t_electron': 0.9},
'montecarlo': {'seed': 23111963,
'no_of_packets': 40000.0,
'iterations': 20,
'last_no_of_packets': 100000.0,
'no_of_virtual_packets': 10,
'nthreads': 1,
'virtual_spectrum_spawn_range': {'start': <Quantity 1. Angstrom>,
'end': <Quantity inf Angstrom>},
'enable_reflective_inner_boundary': False,
'inner_boundary_albedo': 0.0,
'convergence_strategy': {'type': 'damped',
'stop_if_converged': False,
'fraction': 0.8,
'hold_iterations': 3,
'damping_constant': 1.0,
'threshold': 0.05,
'lock_t_inner_cycles': 1,
't_inner_update_exponent': -0.5,
't_inner': {'damping_constant': 1.0, 'threshold': 0.05},
't_rad': {'damping_constant': 1.0, 'threshold': 0.05},
'w': {'damping_constant': 1.0, 'threshold': 0.05}},
'enable_full_relativity': False,
'enable_nonhomologous_expansion': False,
'tracking': {'track_rpacket': False, 'initial_array_length': 10},
'debug_packets': False,
'logger_buffer': 1,
'single_packet_seed': -1},
'spectrum': {'start': <Quantity 500. Angstrom>,
'stop': <Quantity 20000. Angstrom>,
'num': 10000,
'method': 'virtual',
'integrated': {'points': 1000, 'interpolate_shells': 0, 'compute': 'CPU'},
'virtual': {'tau_russian': 10.0,
'survival_probability': 0.0,
'enable_biasing': False,
'virtual_packet_logging': False}},
'config_dirname': ''}
Notice that the Configuration
object once again has all the default values filled in.
In most cases, we strongly recommend using a configuration file as opposed to a configuration dictionary.