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Basic Profile of TARDIS

A profile is a set of statistics that describes how often and for how long various parts of the program execute (cProfile). A majority of TARDIS can be profiled, however, some code is Numba code, which cannot be profiled. This is because Numba compiles these functions directly to machine code; the python interpreter doesn’t see these functions and therefore it doesn’t read them.

This notebook uses snakeviz, which is a graphical viewer for the output of cProfile, to visualize the results and make them interactive. In order to use SnakeViz, you must first download it via pip. The first cell loads SnakeViz and gets the notebook ready to run TARDIS.

%load_ext snakeviz

from tardis import run_tardis
from import download_atom_data
/usr/share/miniconda3/envs/tardis/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools_scm/ UserWarning: "/home/runner/work/tardis/tardis" is shallow and may cause errors
  warnings.warn(f'"{wd.path}" is shallow and may cause errors')

I am telling the cell below to use snakeviz on the function below, which is a run of TARDIS in its enteriety. An option is to add the -t flag, which will tell it to display the HTML in a new tab, instead of embedding it.


[tardis.plasma.standard_plasmas][INFO   ]

        Reading Atomic Data from kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 (
[][INFO   ]

        Atom Data kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 not found in local path.
        Exists in TARDIS Data repo /home/runner/Downloads/tardis-data/kurucz_cd23_chianti_H_He.h5 (
[][INFO   ]
        Reading Atom Data with: UUID = 6f7b09e887a311e7a06b246e96350010 MD5  = 864f1753714343c41f99cb065710cace  (
[][INFO   ]
        Non provided Atomic Data: synpp_refs, photoionization_data, yg_data, two_photon_data (
[py.warnings         ][WARNING]
        /home/runner/work/tardis/tardis/tardis/plasma/properties/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  (g_lower * n_upper) / (g_upper * n_lower)
[py.warnings         ][WARNING]
        /home/runner/work/tardis/tardis/tardis/plasma/properties/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  (g_lower * n_upper) / (g_upper * n_lower)
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 1 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 7.942e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 2.659e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 9.93e+03 1.01e+04 0.4 0.507
5 9.85e+03 1.02e+04 0.211 0.197
10 9.78e+03 1.01e+04 0.143 0.117
15 9.71e+03 9.87e+03 0.105 0.0869
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 9933.952 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10703.212 K
[py.warnings         ][WARNING]
        /home/runner/work/tardis/tardis/tardis/plasma/properties/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  (g_lower * n_upper) / (g_upper * n_lower)
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 2 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.071e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.576e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.01e+04 1.08e+04 0.507 0.525
5 1.02e+04 1.1e+04 0.197 0.203
10 1.01e+04 1.08e+04 0.117 0.125
15 9.87e+03 1.05e+04 0.0869 0.0933
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10703.212 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10673.712 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 3 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.074e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.391e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.08e+04 1.1e+04 0.525 0.483
5 1.1e+04 1.12e+04 0.203 0.189
10 1.08e+04 1.1e+04 0.125 0.118
15 1.05e+04 1.06e+04 0.0933 0.0895
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10673.712 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10635.953 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 4 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.058e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.352e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.1e+04 1.1e+04 0.483 0.469
5 1.12e+04 1.12e+04 0.189 0.182
10 1.1e+04 1.1e+04 0.118 0.113
15 1.06e+04 1.07e+04 0.0895 0.0861
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10635.953 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10638.407 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 5 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.055e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.399e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]
        Iteration converged 1/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.1e+04 1.1e+04 0.469 0.479
5 1.12e+04 1.13e+04 0.182 0.178
10 1.1e+04 1.1e+04 0.113 0.113
15 1.07e+04 1.07e+04 0.0861 0.0839
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10638.407 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10650.202 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 6 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.061e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.398e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]
        Iteration converged 2/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.1e+04 1.1e+04 0.479 0.47
5 1.13e+04 1.12e+04 0.178 0.185
10 1.1e+04 1.11e+04 0.113 0.112
15 1.07e+04 1.07e+04 0.0839 0.0856
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10650.202 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10645.955 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 7 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.061e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.382e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]
        Iteration converged 3/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.1e+04 1.1e+04 0.47 0.47
5 1.12e+04 1.13e+04 0.185 0.178
10 1.11e+04 1.11e+04 0.112 0.112
15 1.07e+04 1.07e+04 0.0856 0.086
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10645.955 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10642.050 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 8 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.062e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.350e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]
        Iteration converged 4/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.1e+04 1.11e+04 0.47 0.472
5 1.13e+04 1.14e+04 0.178 0.175
10 1.11e+04 1.11e+04 0.112 0.111
15 1.07e+04 1.07e+04 0.086 0.084
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10642.050 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10636.106 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 9 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.052e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.411e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]
        Iteration converged 5/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.11e+04 1.11e+04 0.472 0.469
5 1.14e+04 1.15e+04 0.175 0.17
10 1.11e+04 1.11e+04 0.111 0.109
15 1.07e+04 1.08e+04 0.084 0.0822
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10636.106 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10654.313 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 10 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.070e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.335e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.11e+04 1.1e+04 0.469 0.475
5 1.15e+04 1.14e+04 0.17 0.177
10 1.11e+04 1.11e+04 0.109 0.112
15 1.08e+04 1.06e+04 0.0822 0.0878
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10654.313 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10628.190 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 11 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.053e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.363e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]
        Iteration converged 1/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.1e+04 1.1e+04 0.475 0.472
5 1.14e+04 1.12e+04 0.177 0.184
10 1.11e+04 1.1e+04 0.112 0.114
15 1.06e+04 1.06e+04 0.0878 0.0859
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10628.190 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10644.054 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 12 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.056e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.420e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.1e+04 1.11e+04 0.472 0.467
5 1.12e+04 1.13e+04 0.184 0.176
10 1.1e+04 1.11e+04 0.114 0.11
15 1.06e+04 1.08e+04 0.0859 0.0821
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10644.054 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10653.543 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 13 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.062e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.406e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]
        Iteration converged 1/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.11e+04 1.11e+04 0.467 0.466
5 1.13e+04 1.13e+04 0.176 0.18
10 1.11e+04 1.11e+04 0.11 0.111
15 1.08e+04 1.08e+04 0.0821 0.0841
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10653.543 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10647.277 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 14 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.063e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.369e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]
        Iteration converged 2/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.11e+04 1.11e+04 0.466 0.469
5 1.13e+04 1.13e+04 0.18 0.182
10 1.11e+04 1.1e+04 0.111 0.113
15 1.08e+04 1.07e+04 0.0841 0.0854
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10647.277 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10638.875 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 15 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.053e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.417e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]
        Iteration converged 3/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.11e+04 1.1e+04 0.469 0.484
5 1.13e+04 1.13e+04 0.182 0.181
10 1.1e+04 1.1e+04 0.113 0.113
15 1.07e+04 1.07e+04 0.0854 0.0858
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10638.875 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10655.125 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 16 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.059e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.445e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]
        Iteration converged 4/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.1e+04 1.1e+04 0.484 0.472
5 1.13e+04 1.13e+04 0.181 0.177
10 1.1e+04 1.1e+04 0.113 0.113
15 1.07e+04 1.06e+04 0.0858 0.0858
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10655.125 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10655.561 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 17 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.067e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.372e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.1e+04 1.11e+04 0.472 0.468
5 1.13e+04 1.14e+04 0.177 0.175
10 1.1e+04 1.11e+04 0.113 0.11
15 1.06e+04 1.08e+04 0.0858 0.0816
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10655.561 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10636.536 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 18 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.057e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.365e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]
        Iteration converged 1/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.11e+04 1.11e+04 0.468 0.464
5 1.14e+04 1.13e+04 0.175 0.177
10 1.11e+04 1.1e+04 0.11 0.113
15 1.08e+04 1.07e+04 0.0816 0.0848
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10636.536 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10641.692 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 19 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.056e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.405e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]
        Iteration converged 2/4 consecutive times. (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Plasma stratification: (
Shell No. t_rad next_t_rad w next_w
0 1.11e+04 1.11e+04 0.464 0.466
5 1.13e+04 1.13e+04 0.177 0.177
10 1.1e+04 1.11e+04 0.113 0.111
15 1.07e+04 1.07e+04 0.0848 0.0853
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Current t_inner = 10641.692 K
        Expected t_inner for next iteration = 10650.463 K
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Starting iteration 20 of 20 (
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Luminosity emitted   = 1.061e+43 erg / s
        Luminosity absorbed  = 3.401e+42 erg / s
        Luminosity requested = 1.059e+43 erg / s
[tardis.simulation.base][INFO   ]

        Simulation finished in 20 iterations
        Simulation took 67.80 s

*** Profile stats marshalled to file '/tmp/tmpvi9h2wpv'.
Embedding SnakeViz in this document...

As SnakeViz uses a web browser to create the HTML to display, when this notebook is run the HTML isn’t viewable. In order to view this a picture of the HTML output is saved and displayed below.

The SnakeViz visualization gives two things. At the top is a stack trace, where you can see which functions call others, and how long those functions take in respect to the caller function. At the bottom is all of the information that cProfile provides.

The bottom left montecarlo_radial1d is montecarlo_main_loop. This function does a majority of the computation, yet there is nothing below it. This is because it, and all the functions that it calls, are Numba functions. montecarlo_main_loop is visible as montecarlo_radial1d calls it, but the functions that it calls are not visible as it is a Numba function.

If the SnakeViz is run again without restarting the kernel, then the times will decrease and more time will be spent in montecarlo_main_loop relative to montecarlo_radial1d, as the Numba functions will have all compiled.

If you run this notebook the HTML from cell 2 will be displayed at the bottom without issue; the lower cell is just a solution to display the SnakeViz output without having access to the HTML.
