tardis.util.base module¶
- exception tardis.util.base.MalformedElementSymbolError(malformed_element_symbol)[source]¶
- exception tardis.util.base.MalformedQuantityError(malformed_quantity_string)[source]¶
- exception tardis.util.base.MalformedSpeciesError(malformed_element_symbol)[source]¶
- tardis.util.base.atomic_number2element_symbol(atomic_number)[source]¶
Convert atomic number to string
- Parameters
- atomic_numberint
Inputted atomic number
- Returns
- str
Returned corresponding element symbol
- tardis.util.base.calculate_luminosity(spec_fname, distance, wavelength_column=0, wavelength_unit=Unit('Angstrom'), flux_column=1, flux_unit=Unit('erg / (Angstrom cm2 s)'))[source]¶
Calculates luminosity of star.
- Parameters
- spec_fnamefile or str
File or file name to be read
- distancefloat
Distance to star
- wavelength_columnint, optional(default = 0)
Column index in which the wavelength is stored
- wavelength_unitfloat, optional(default = u.angstrom)
Dictates units used for calculating wavelength.
- flux_columnint, optional(default = 1)
Column index in which the flux is stored
- flux_unitstr, optional(default = u.Unit(‘erg / (Angstrom cm2 s)’)
Dictates units used for flux
- Returns
- luminosity.valuefloat
Returned luminosity value of star.
- wavelength.min()float
Minimum value of wavelength of light
- wavelength.max()float
Maximum value of wavelength of light
- tardis.util.base.convert_abundances_format(fname, delimiter='\\s+')[source]¶
Changes format of file containing abundances into data frame
- Parameters
- fnamefile, str
File or file name that contains abundance info
- delimiterstr, optional(default = ‘s+’)
Determines the separator for splitting file
- Returns
- DataFrame
Corresponding data frame
- tardis.util.base.create_synpp_yaml(radial1d_mdl, fname, shell_no=0, lines_db=None)[source]¶
Create a yaml file that is readable from syn++
- Parameters
- radial1d_mdlRadial1DModel
Inputted object that will be read into YAML file
- fnamestr
File name for the synpp yaml
- shell_noint, optional(default = 0)
Number of shells
- lines_dbfile, optional(default = None)
- Raises
- ValueError
If the current dataset does not contain necessary reference files
- tardis.util.base.element_symbol2atomic_number(element_string)[source]¶
Takes an element symbol and returns its corresponding atomic number
- Parameters
- element_stringstr
Inputted element symbol
- Returns
- int
Returned atomic number
- tardis.util.base.fix_bar_layout(bar, no_of_packets=None, total_iterations=None)[source]¶
Fix the layout of progress bars.
- Parameters
- bartqdm instance
Progress bar to change the layout of.
- no_of_packetsint, optional
Number of packets to be propagated.
- total_iterationsint, optional
Total number of iterations.
- tardis.util.base.int_to_roman(i)[source]¶
Convert an integer into its roman numeral representation.
- Parameters
- iint
Integer to be converted into roman numerals
- Returns
- str
Returns roman numeral representation of i in str format.
- tardis.util.base.intensity_black_body(nu, T)[source]¶
Calculate the intensity of a black-body according to the following formula
\[I(\nu, T) = \frac{2h\nu^3}{c^2}\frac{1} {e^{h\nu \beta_\textrm{rad}} - 1}\]- Parameters
- nufloat
Frequency of light
- Tfloat
Temperature in kelvin
- Returns
- Intensityfloat
Returns the intensity of the black body
- tardis.util.base.is_notebook()[source]¶
Checking the shell environment where the simulation is run is Jupyter based
- Returns
- Trueif the shell environment is IPython Based
- Falseif the shell environment is Terminal or anything else
- tardis.util.base.is_valid_nuclide_or_elem(input_nuclide)[source]¶
Parses nuclide string into symbol - mass number format and returns whether the nuclide is either contained in the decay dataset or is a raw element string.
- Parameters
- input_nuclidestr or int
Nuclide name string or element string.
- Returns
- bool
Bool indicating if the input nuclide is contained in the decay dataset or is a valid element.
- tardis.util.base.parse_quantity(quantity_string)[source]¶
Changes a string into it’s corresponding astropy.Quantity object.
- Parameters
- quantity_stringstr
String to be converted into astropy.Quantity
- Returns
- qu.Quantity
Corresponding astropy.Quantity object for passed string
- Raises
- MalformedQuantityError
If string is not properly formatted for Astropy Quantity
- tardis.util.base.quantity_linspace(start, stop, num, **kwargs)[source]¶
Essentially the same input parameters as linspace, but calculated for an astropy quantity start and stop.
- Parameters
- startastropy.Quantity
Starting value of the sequence
- stopastropy.Quantity
End value of the sequence
- numint
Number of samples to generate
- Returns
- astropy.Quantity
Returns num evenly spaced characters of type astropy.Quantity
- Raises
- ValueError
If start and stop values have no unit attribute.
- tardis.util.base.reformat_element_symbol(element_string)[source]¶
- Reformat the string so the first letter is uppercase and all subsequent
letters lowercase.
- Parameters
- element_stringstr
Inputted element symbol
- Returns
- str
Returned reformatted element symbol
- tardis.util.base.roman_to_int(roman_string)[source]¶
Convert a roman numeral into its corresponding integer.
- Parameters
- roman_stringstr
Roman numeral to be converted into an integer
- Returns
- int
Returns integer representation of roman_string
- tardis.util.base.species_string_to_tuple(species_string)[source]¶
Convert a species string to its corresponding tuple representation
- Parameters
- species_stringstr
String containing species symbol (e.g. Si II, Fe III)
- Returns
- atomic_number, ion_numbertuple
Returns tuple of length 2 indicating atomic number and ion number
- Raises
- MalformedSpeciesError
If the inputted string does not match the species format
- tardis.util.base.species_tuple_to_string(species_tuple, roman_numerals=True)[source]¶
Convert a species tuple to its corresponding string representation.
- Parameters
- species_tupletuple
Tuple of 2 values indicated atomic number and number of electrons missing
- roman_numeralsbool, optional(default = TRUE)
Indicates whether the returned ion number is in roman numerals
- Returns
- element_symbol, roman_ion_numberstr
Returns corresponding string representation of given tuple
- tardis.util.base.update_iterations_pbar(i)[source]¶
Update progress bar for each iteration.
- Parameters
- iint
Amount by which the progress bar needs to be updated.
- tardis.util.base.update_packet_pbar(i, current_iteration, no_of_packets, total_iterations)[source]¶
Update progress bars as each packet is propagated.
- Parameters
- iint
Amount by which the progress bar needs to be updated.
- current_iterationint
Current iteration number.
- no_of_packetsint
Total number of packets in one iteration.
- total_iterationsint
Total number of iterations.