tardis.simulation.base module¶
- class tardis.simulation.base.PlasmaStateStorerMixin(iterations, no_of_shells)[source]¶
Mixin class to provide the capability to the simulation object of storing plasma information and the inner boundary temperature during each MC iteration.
Currently, storage for the dilution factor, the radiation temperature and the electron density in each cell is provided. Additionally, the temperature at the inner boundary is saved.
- reshape_plasma_state_store(executed_iterations)[source]¶
Reshapes the storage arrays in case convergence was reached before all specified iterations were executed.
- Parameters
- executed_iterationsint
iteration index, i.e. number of iterations executed minus one!
- store_plasma_state(i, w, t_rad, electron_densities, t_inner)[source]¶
Store current plasma information and inner boundary temperature used in iterated i.
- Parameters
- iint
current iteration index (0 for the first)
- wnp.ndarray
dilution factor
- t_radastropy.units.Quantity
radiation temperature
- electron_densitiesnp.ndarray
electron density
- t_innerastropy.units.Quantity
temperature of inner boundary
- class tardis.simulation.base.Simulation(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
A composite object containing all the required information for a simulation.
- Parameters
- convergedbool
- iterationsint
- modeltardis.model.Radial1DModel
- plasmatardis.plasma.BasePlasma
- runnertardis.montecarlo.MontecarloRunner
- no_of_packetsint
- last_no_of_packetsint
- no_of_virtual_packetsint
- luminosity_nu_startastropy.units.Quantity
- luminosity_nu_endastropy.units.Quantity
- luminosity_requestedastropy.units.Quantity
- convergence_plots_kwargs: dict
- nthreadsint
The number of threads to run montecarlo with
TARDIS must be built with OpenMP support in order for
to have effect.
- add_callback(cb_func, *args)[source]¶
Add a function which will be called after every iteration.
The cb_func signature must look like: cb_func(simulation, extra_arg1, …)
- Parameters
- cb_funccallable
The callback function
- arg1
The first additional arguments passed to the callable function
- …
- Returns
- : int
The callback ID
- advance_state()[source]¶
Advances the state of the model and the plasma for the next iteration of the simulation. Returns True if the convergence criteria are met, else False.
- Returns
- convergedbool
- classmethod from_config(config, packet_source=None, virtual_packet_logging=False, show_convergence_plots=True, show_progress_bars=True, **kwargs)[source]¶
Create a new Simulation instance from a Configuration object.
- Parameters
- configtardis.io.config_reader.Configuration
- **kwargs
Allow overriding some structures, such as model, plasma, atomic data and the runner, instead of creating them from the configuration object.
- Returns
- Simulation
- hdf_name = 'simulation'¶
- hdf_properties = ['model', 'plasma', 'runner', 'iterations_w', 'iterations_t_rad', 'iterations_electron_densities', 'iterations_t_inner']¶
- log_plasma_state(t_rad, w, t_inner, next_t_rad, next_w, next_t_inner, log_sampling=5)[source]¶
Logging the change of the plasma state
- Parameters
- t_radastropy.units.Quanity
current t_rad
- wastropy.units.Quanity
current w
- next_t_radastropy.units.Quanity
next t_rad
- next_wastropy.units.Quanity
- log_samplingint
the n-th shells to be plotted
- Returns