tardis.base module

tardis.base.run_tardis(config, atom_data=None, packet_source=None, simulation_callbacks=[], virtual_packet_logging=False, show_convergence_plots=False, log_level=None, specific_log_level=None, show_progress_bars=True, **kwargs)[source]

Run TARDIS from a given config object.

It will return a model object containing the TARDIS Simulation.

configstr or dict or tardis.io.config_reader.Configuration

filename of configuration yaml file or dictionary or TARDIS Configuration object

atom_datastr or tardis.atomic.AtomData, optional

If atom_data is a string it is interpreted as a path to a file storing the atomic data. Atomic data to use for this TARDIS simulation. If set to None (i.e. default), the atomic data will be loaded according to keywords set in the configuration

packet_sourceclass, optional

A custom packet source class or a child class of tardis.montecarlo.packet_source used to override the TARDIS BasePacketSource class.

simulation_callbackslist of lists, default: [], optional

Set of callbacks to call at the end of every iteration of the Simulation. The format of the lists should look like: [[callback1, callback_arg1], [callback2, callback_arg2], …], where the callback function signature should look like: callback_function(simulation, extra_arg1, …)

virtual_packet_loggingbool, default: False, optional

Option to enable virtual packet logging.

log_level{‘NOTSET’, ‘DEBUG’, ‘INFO’, ‘WARNING’, ‘ERROR’, ‘CRITICAL’}, default: None, optional

Set the level of the TARDIS logger (follows native python logging framework log levels). Use this parameter to override the log_level specified in the configuration file. The default value None means that the log_level specified in the configuration file will be used.

specific_log_levelbool, default: None, optional

Allows to set specific logging levels, overriding the value in the configuration file. If True, only show the log messages from a particular log level, set by log_level. If False, the logger shows log messages belonging to the level set and all levels above it in severity. The default value None means that the specific_log_level specified in the configuration file will be used.

show_convergence_plotsbool, default: False, optional

Option to enable tardis convergence plots.

show_progress_barsbool, default: True, optional

Option to enable the progress bar.

**kwargsdict, optional

Optional keyword arguments including those supported by tardis.visualization.tools.convergence_plot.ConvergencePlots.



Please see the logging tutorial to know more about log_level and specific options.